Calgary Remembrance Day Events 2014: Lest’ We Forget
- November 9, 2014
- By Cody Battershill
6 Calgary Remembrance Day Events Happening Nov 11th, 2014
We will never forget the sacrifice made by our fellow Canadian soldiers who lost their lives fighting for our country.
This Tuesday – November 11th, 2014 – is a day for all of us to take a step back and not only remember, but honour that incredible sacrifice, as well as those who were lucky enough to live on and inspire all with their incredible stories of courage, strength and determination.
I believe that Canada is a shining gem amongst other nations of the world and know that it was given the chance to become what it is today because of the hard-fought battles that our war veterans and present soldiers have experienced.
Having said that, I really encourage you to take a moment and consider what Remembrance Day means for yourself, your family and all others that you are close with.
One of the best ways we can truly reflect is by participating in any one of these Calgary Remembrance Day Events, all held this Tuesday, November 11th, 2014.
Jubilee Auditorium 
- When: 10:30am to 11:45am
- Address: 1415 14th Street NW
The Calgary United Veterans Association is hosting its annual Remembrance Day event at the Jubilee Auditorium. Starting at 10:30am, the ceremony will conclude with an outdoor march. This event is a first-come, first-serve basis!
Aero Space Museum
- When: 10:15am to 11:15am
- Address: 4629 McCall Way NE
This Remembrance Day event will be held outdoors at the Aero Space Museum of Calgary, starting at 10:15am and lasting for an hour. Colonel John Melbourne will be the honourary speaker at the event. Admission to the ceremony comes in the form of a donation of any amount and also will give you full access to the museum. Make sure to dress for the weather!
Military Museum
- When: 10:45am
- Where: 4520 Crowchild Trail SW
The Military Museums of Calgary is hosting its annual Remembrance Day event for 2014 this Tuesday, starting at 10:45am. Containers will be provided to visitors for non-perishable food donations to the Veterans’ Food Bank. The Military Museums is also offering free admission all day (9:00am to 5:00pm), this is a great chance to see all its exhibits and content on a very special day.
Central Memorial Park
- When: 10:00am start time
- Where: 1221 2nd Street SW
Those who live in the downtown and beltline areas should visit the ceremony being held at Central Memorial Park. At 10:00am the event beings and includes the Calgary Highlanders Remembrance Day Parade.
Field of Crosses
- When: Ends November 12th, 014
- Where: Memorial Drive btw Centre St. and 3rd St. NW
You may have already noticed the thousands of white crosses located on the north side of Memorial Drive on the west side of Centre Street Bridge. Every one of those 3,000 crosses bears a the name, rank, regiment, age and date of death of a Canadian soldier from Alberta who died in the First World War.
Union Cemetery
- When: 2:00pm to 3:30pm
- Where: 28th Avenue and Spiller Road SE
As Calgary’s oldest graveyard, Union Cemetery is home to not only some of our cities founding fathers, but also many soldiers who died in the First World War. Join the RCMP and the Canadian Military this Remembrance Day and learn about who these fallen heroes are.
We hope you have a wonderful Remembrance Day!
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