Best Riverside Communities Across Calgary
Calgary’s rivers are a highlight of our city, not just for the leisure and recreation they offer but also for residential living. A handful of central communities and a few suburban areas are lucky...
Why You Need a "Material List" for Your Infill Home
Are material lists for homeowners important? While suburban homeowners may not have as many customized features or materials used in construction, highly customized infill developments ca...
Best Inner City Communities in Northwest Calgary
So you're on the hunt for a home in Calgary's northwest inner city but aren't sure what community is best for you. As experienced Realtors®, let us tell you where three of the best areas are ...
What Are Infill Homes?
The term "infill" describes a form of residential construction where a new home is built on an older lot and the old structure is removed. Hence, the existing lot is "filled in" with a new construction build and is c...
If you're looking for a newer inner city home (also known as an infill) in Calgary, you have a choice between two main styles of infill properties:
Detached single-family home
Attached single-family home
So, the question remains:...
What is there to know about infill homes in Calgary? Lots, to say the least, which is why some real estate agents (like us) have created entire guides for inner city infills to help buyers along the way in their next transaction.
Would a New Backyard Suite Benefit You?
When you think of properties in Calgary’s city centre, chances are that new infill developments, high-rise condominiums and row townhome complexes come to mind. Not many Calgarians would think of...
What's So Awesome About Inner City Living in Calgary?
Living an inner city lifestyle in Calgary has many benefits such as convenient accessibility to downtown, amenities and entertainment to name a few. These, among the others listed bel...
Best Inner City Parks in Calgary, Alberta
Calgary is known for having one of the largest pathway systems in North America as well as one of the largest urban parks in Canada. It's also known for having a huge number of parks, with the inner ci...
Bought a New House? Change the Locks... ASAP!
Did you just buy a new house? If so... that's amazing, and congratulations! Buying a new home is as exciting as it gets, and you'll want to take a few steps to make it as secure as possible after t...